We all feel the emotions of stress, anxiety and depression at some point in our lives. They are all are common reactions to the challenges we face in life, and are all connected.
Our flotation tanks are a powerful treatment for those who have anxiety-related conditions. Once inside the pod triggers a deep relaxation and instant stress relief. Allowing your brain to operate at a significantly decreased frequency, which allows you to enter a realm of calm, tranquility.
Physically, floating helps to clear cortisol and stress from the body, allowing the body to deeply relax and slows down the brain.
It also releases a flood of endorphins, also known as ‘feel good chemicals’, and can induce the Theta state.
Theta is usually experienced during meditation or just before you fall asleep.
It can induce vivid imagery, and clear the cloudy thoughts of anxious and depressed people, bringing clarity to your life. It can also create feelings of happiness and euphoria.
Stress is an immediate response to daily pressures or particular situations that happen. Stress affects most people at some point and can affect your health. The good news is that stress tends to go when the situation is resolved or over.
But if the stress goes on for too long it can escalate into anxiety or depression, or both.
Symptoms of stress include:-
Anxiety is a heightened worry, fear, or feelings of unease that can be mild or severe. Most people have feelings of anxiety at some point in their lives. For example, going to the doctor, sitting an exam, phobias, or a job interview etc. Anxiety is the natural reaction to stress and can be perfectly normal.
But if your feelings anxiety are more constant or happen in perfectly normal situations, or are constant, then they can have a serious affect on your life.
Symptoms of anxiety include:-
Although we all go through periods of feeling down, it is usually short term. But when you are depressed you feel persistently sad for several days, weeks or maybe even months. When you are depressed, it can affect almost everything in your life. From how you think, how you feel, your behaviour. It can limit your ability to function, work, maintain relationships or even leave your own house.
Symptoms of depression include:-
It’s not unusual that people suffer from both conditions at the same time. Around half the people who have anxiety also have depression. If you have any of these conditions it is important to try and reduce stress levels whenever you can.
A flotation study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Using sixty five participants (14 men and 51 women), who were divided into a flotation-REST group (37 people), and a control group (28 people). The flotation group received 12 45-minute sessions over the course of seven weeks. Subjects were assessed for depression, anxiety, stress, sleep quality, energy, pain, and optimism before and after the study. These same measurements were assessed for the control group.
The study concluded that the flotation group displayed radically improved scores in comparison to the control group and had substantial reductions in levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and pain. As well as improved sleep quality and overall mood.
After spending up to 1 hour in the pod Our clients report feeling of wellbeing, Uplifted mood, happiness sometimes for upto 3 days after a treatment, furthermore there’s a wealth of case studies which point to Floatation therapy as being a good way to combat feelings of depression.
So if you have anxiety, depression or just feel low, flotation therapy is an excellent way to prevent and treat these and other mental, emotional and physical conditions.
Cornwallis business centre,
Cornwallis House
UNIT 16 Howard chase
Basildon, Essex SS14 3BB, UK
Floatation Centre Opening hours –
Mon-Wed 9.00am – 5.00pm
Thur-Sun 8.00am – 7.00pm
01268 208822
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